A new sound is coming to earth. It will be very powerful, like nothing we have heard or experienced before. One of the components of that new sound is what I call— the Music of His Presence.
It is music that has been born in the heart of God. Like a torrent of freedom and power that descends from on high and changes everything in its path, something very difficult to describe with words, but yet very real. It is music full of the majesty and the glory of God. I firmly believe that the music of His presence will be one of the distinguishing characteristics of the Church of the end times. It will completely revolutionize our worship services and will carry us to behold the very glory of the King.
The music of His presence flows from the realm of God's glory. It's a combination of melodies and harmonies that come from the throne room of heaven and break into the earth realm. As we will see, this heavenly sound flows through a growing generation of prophetic worshipers. They are an army of lovesick singers and musicians that will hear, taste and become the sound from heaven.
God said to Moses: “Come up to Me on the mountain and be there; and I will give you... Then Moses went up into the mountain, and a cloud covered the mountain... Now the glory of the Lord rested on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days. And on the seventh day He called to Moses out of the midst of the cloud” (Ex. 24: 12, 15, 16). When Moses went up to Sinai, a cloud covered the mount, and the glory of the Lord rested there for six days. This was a powerful experience. Nevertheless, Moses continued waiting. During those six days the Holy Spirit covered him, and he felt the glory of God that rested on the mount, but there was more. On the seventh day, while he was in the midst of the cloud, the Lord called him again.
This call was distinct and much more intense...
"The sight of the glory of the Lord was like a consuming fire on the top of the mountain in the eyes of the children of Israel. So Moses went into the midst of the cloud and went up into the mountain. And Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights"(Ex. 24:17-18). Moses could climb up the mount to a certain point, but in order to climb higher, he had to hear the call of God and enter in the midst of the cloud. When Moses entered the cloud, he entered into the Spirit. It was no longer him climbing... The Holy Spirit carried him. He had crossed the threshold of the door that divides the natural from the supernatural, and entered into the spiritual realm. The Lord showed him eternal things, things that are not seen in the natural.
The music of His Presence is found in this realm of the Holy Spirit. Finding this realm will not only be impressive and revealing, but it will also produce the same longing in you that was produced in Moses, a passionate desire to know the Lord more deeply.
Be sure to read the sequel: "The Music of His Presence - 2"